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RAGBRAI is the bike ride across Iowa, held the last full week of July. I believe it is the oldest state wide ride of it’s kind. My only time riding it was in in 2010 and although I signed up for the last two years I had to miss for various reason. This year I have more motivation and baring any setbacks I plan to ride and plan to ride it on the buy Pregabalin online cheap I am building.
(Edited June 22: Cancelled my trip this year due to lack of training and conditioning)
I have plenty of excuses why I did not do RAGBRAI last year. Gear problems and lack of training where high, but the biggest reason I did not go was the 100+ heat index days the first two days that included a lot more hills than I am used to. For 2012 I am not as concerned. Still having some shifter problems, but I’m stoked to be in my best shape ever and the elevation (climbs) for this trip are much more manageable regardless of what the temperature is. Here’s the Ragbrai route for July 2012:
Sunday, July 22 (54 miles, 1,583 feet of climb)
- Start Town: Sioux Center
- Pass-through Towns: Orange City, Alton, Granville, Marcus
- Overnight Town: Cherokee
Monday, July 23 (62 miles, 2,062 feet of climb)
- Start Town: Cherokee
- Pass-through Towns: Aurelia, Hanover, Schaller, Nemaha, Sac City
- Overnight Town: Lake View
Tuesday, July 24 (81 miles, 1,724 feet of climb)
- Start Town: Lake View
- Pass-through Towns: Auburn, Lake City, Lohrville, Farnhamville, Gowrie, Dayton, Stratford, Lehigh
- Overnight Town: Webster City
Wednesday, July 25
- Start Town: Webster City (77 miles, 2,018 feet of climb)
- Pass-through Towns: Kamrar, Jewell, Story City, Roland, McCallsburg, Zearing, Saint Anthony, Clemons
- Overnight Town: Marshalltown
Thursday, July 26 (84 miles, 3,576 feet of climb)
- Start Town: Garwin
- Pass-through Towns: Clutier, Garrison, Vinton, Shellsburg, Covington,
- Overnight Town: Cedar Rapids
Friday, July 27 (42 miles, 2,272 feet of climb)
- Start Town: Cedar Rapids
- Pass-through Towns: Mount Vernon, Springville, Viola, Fairview
- Overnight Town: Anamosa
Saturday, July 28 (69 miles, 2,890 feet of climb)
- Start Town: Anamosa
- Pass-through Towns: Hale, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, Elwood, Delmar, Charlotte, Goose Lake
- Final Destination Town: Clinton
Each year RAGBRAI has a big party in Des Moines, IA, where they announce the overnight towns that have been selected for the up comping summer route. Last night that event occurred and I was able to watch it live on my computer via their website. Not sure how many were in attendance in Des Moines, but from the counter on my screen there were over 2,500 viewers watching online.
Leading up to the announcement they interviewed several people who have either ridden on the ride in the past or are there representing towns that were wanting the ride to stay overnight or pass through. Any participation in RAGBRAI can mean a real economic boost for these towns.
The towns were soon announced and I was trilled to see the route for this year. The starting point is in Glenwood, just a short distance from Omaha where I live. From there they travel to Atlantic, Carroll, Boone, Altoona, Grinnell and Coralville before finishing the in Davenport. The route has a total of 454 miles and 21,206 feet of climb.
The longest day ride, from Grinnell to Coraville is about 73 miles. The shortest from Boone to Altoona is about 56 miles. Average daily mileage is around 65 miles which is very reasonable in my opinion. The true measure of the ride, though will be to see the elevation charts for each day. Pass through towns are expected to be announced sometime in March, after which we can determine the true elevation each day (and the worst hills each day).
Time to get off the computer and back on my bike trainer. I am just itching to get outside on the bike, but the ground is covered with snow and it is snowing again as I write. Will this winter ever end??? It is starting to remind me of one of my favorite movie, Groundhogs Day, where Bill Murry lives the same day over and over.
Today is the last day, the last 47 miles of a 442 mile bike trip. This is a sad day as I had been looking forward to this trip for one year, have been learning about bikes and training hard every chance I could get. As much as I wanted to enjoy the day, I was up against a deadline. Our bus was leaving Dubuque at 3:00 and as this was a very hilly route I would have to work the pedals hard to get there on time. Unfortanely, my leg muscles were shot and the hills were next to impossible. One hill was so steep that I saw 6 people fall off their bikes. 90% of the riders were walking the bikes up this mile long steep hill. It was so bad many of could not even walk up the hill without taking a couple of breaks.
There were more down hills than up, so I made it into Dubuque by 1:30. Had to walk a couple of blocks to some pay showers. Got some dinner and was ready for the bus in just enough time. I’m writing this on the bus one the way back to Omaha, which should arrive about 11:OO tonight.
The following are some pictures from today. I appologize sor the quality, somehow my camera got set to some strange mode today, some artistic mode.
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buy cheap Pregabalin Day 6 was one of the most interesting. We knew it was going to rain, it was just a question of when and how much. The goal was to get out early and I hit the road at 6:00, pedaled hard and did over 20 miles before it started to sprinkle. Today I learned a valuable lesson. Don’t get wet if there is a chance you will get chilled. When it started to sprinkle I put on a light jacket that I thought was waterproof. First mistake, it was not so I was getting wet. I pulled off under some pine trees and switched to my rain coat and did less than a mile before it really started raining and included lightening. Luckily this was at a vendor stop at a crossroads called Shady Grove. Two houses and a big metal building. I bought the biggest pork chop I have ever had, from the Pork Chop man, and headed into the building for shelter. Whoa, there was nearly 100 of us in there. I was there for nearly three hours and getting colder. I finally realized my raincoat was keeping in all the moisture. It was hard to force myself to take the coat off, but once I did my wicking bike shirt dried quickly.
The experience in the dark building, with it’s dirt floor, full of huge farm equipment, crowded with people eating pork chops with their hands, well, it will be a memory I will carry for a long time. And cherish, because despite the bad weather, pockets of people were having fun. A few adults broke out in song, some older teenagers were doing ring around the rosie, another group played a made up game. I also met several people and as bikers we always have something to talk about.
I’m learning to take in the towns and appreciate what each has to offer. Today I stopped in the last pass through town for a much needed rest, listened to the live music and tried to dry out my sandals, socks and my feet.
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Not much to report for today, except that it was hot. And the longest mileage of the trip, 82 miles, so I really had to concentrate on riding to get in at a decent hours. Still, I hit the road at 6:15 am and got in at 6:15 in the evening.
Overall the day was very pleasant. I simply enjoyed the ride and enjoyed each town. In the last pass through town of the day I stopped and enjoyed the music, the dancing in the streets. Enjoyed a chicken breast sandwich, fresh ear of corn and a beer. . An added benefit was leve entertainment for the20 of us there.
I finally found electricity at the golf course club house. An added benefit was live entertainment for the 20 of us there.
My apologies for not posting the last couple of days. Power resources were very limited, both my ability to charge my phone and connect to the internet. My own personal power resources were depleted yesterday with a very long hot ride.
First, I have gone back and updated day two and three if you want to see what I was up to and included pictures as well (worth checking out). Below is an account of today.
We had quite the eventful night last night with a thunderstorm rolling through, lots of rain and lightening that hit very close to our tents. I half expected to get up in the morning only to find a neighbor vaporized. Needless to say, everything was wet, including my bike which I could not cover with the tent rain fly because we were packed in like sardines.
Today we go from Clear Lake to Charles City. After the first painful 30 miles of yesterday I really was worried that I would not be able to ride well today. Quite the contrary. It seems it was the position of my seat that was causing most of my problems. I took off out of Clear Lake doing 20 miles per hour for the first 10 miles. Must have been a tail wind! I did well all day and finished the ride in about 6 hours (53 miles). There was no place to eat this morning as we were camping on the exit part of town. The first three big food venders had lines with over 100 people in them. Finally came to a farm house where they were selling delicious breakfast burritos and OJ. Then in the next two I found a local charity where I two hardboiled eggs for $1, two bananas for $1, bag of cookies for $.50. One of the next towns I got a grilled chicken sandwich and delicious ear of fresh corn for $6. In St. Charles tonight someone down the street was selling food. I got two pulled pork sandwiches, chips, sliced tomatoes, watermelon, cookies and a drink all for $7. That’s a pretty good example of what the food intake is for the day, just different sources. I try not to eat at the traveling vendors if a local group is selling something as the portions and price are always better and part of the purpose of these trips is to support these little towns. You can’t imagine what this influx of 10,000+ people can do for each town. And boy, do they go all out. People of all ages are out on the streets, on their porches greeting us as we come in, welcoming us to their town.
The weather today was the best ever. Slightly humid at the start, then cool and cloudy. Sun came out but it was in the low 80’s. Forecast for tomorrow is low of 59, high of 80, dry and they say one of best days of the 2010 ride. Good thing, it’s over 80 miles.
A great afternoon and evening. Despite a late start (7:45) from the rain I got in at 2:00. Put my name in for the solar showers, set up my tent, then did my laundry from the week. Unlike the other humid days, everything will be dry by the time I go to bed. I did not have to waste over an hour looking for dinner so now I have the evening to catch up on my blogging before I go to sleep. I’m sitting in a covered pavilion with a few electrical outlets, a very pleasant breeze and off in the distance is a life band playing something festive. Ahhhhh, I could live this day over and over. Seriously!
purchase Pregabalin onlineThe world famous (or at least onRAGBRAI) Pork Cop Man. I hear they are really good, but just sound too heavy to me.
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Today we rode from Algona to Clear Lake. Pretty uneventful day as far as the town but it was eventful for me. See pictures atbottom of post.
I hurt, in several places! My sandals lock into my bike pedals and the outside of my feet was really aching. I’d have to clip out and reposition my feet or I would have had to start. Also, on these long rides it usually takes about 15-17 miles for my thigh muscles to stop fighting me and do what I want them too. They hurt up until that point, then they either stop of maybe gets used to it. Not today. It took 30 of the 59 miles before they gave in. Now, there is a reason….
Location, Location, Location!!! My recumbent seat slides on a rail and is held in place by two clamping systems. I have a mark on the slide where it should be and it had slid back almost an inch. Moving that seat back up where it belonged made all the difference in the world. I did the remaining 30 miles with no problems (and 50 miles the next day without problems).
Rotation, Rotation, Rotation… Your biking lesson for the day. I really think most people don’t know this so now might be a good time to mention it if you are a novice biker. The key to biking long distances like this without getting sore and worn out (besides a proper bike and proper equipment placement) is your cadence, the number of times you pedal per minute. Anything below 80 rpm will make your leg muscles sore. If you have ever struggled to get up a hill pedaling slowly, you know what I mean. Instead of struggling, crank those gears down to easier and easier gears. I am often down the very easiest on a 5% grade and can keep my cadence at 80 rpm.
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Today was a hard ride for me. Ten hour ride (80 miles), hour wait for a shower, missing two busses downtown for dinner because they were full. Finally had a delicious and heaping dinner at an oriental place. When I got to camp at 8:30 I was too tuckered out to post. Below is information that I was able to post two days later.

First breakfast stop. There are vendorsevery few miles, I look for the shortest line.
A good ride, long ride and a hard ride. I was not too sore but I did wear out by the end of the 80+ miles. Our destination today was Agona, Iowa. My favorite town today was Pocahontas. One of the most beautiful small towns I have ever, ever seen. Here are some pictures.

Pocahontas in Pocahantas. The sunglasses ruined it for me.
Another nice town that day was Whitemore, home of the Grato…..pictures to follow.

The Grato

A Mosaic at the Grato


You have to know me to know why I took this picture. (Hint - German engineering)
Slept great! Had my earplugs in and evidently slept through a crying baby and 12:30 fireworks. My alarm was set for 4:15 and I awoke at 4:05. Tore down the tent, rode over to Burger King and got some breakfast, then was on the road by 6:15. A little cool and humid at the start but the day overall was better than any one day on BRAN ride.
Unlike BRAN where the towns can be 25 to 50 miles apart, there were food stops every 5-10 miles and I stopped at a lot. First town I had a breakfast burrito, second town a Gyro, third town a burger and apple. That kept me until about10 miles out from our destination, where I saw a sign for pie and ice cream. Yum, yum.

Riders for as faras the eye can see

In case you wonder where many go when they have to go!

A huge home made waterslide someone made for the bikers

All was well until the "Bad Boys" came to town
I slowed down those last 10 miles, about 70 total miles for the day. Arrived in Storm Lake sometime around 4:00, set up my tent and took my first solar shower. Actually not bad. The charter service has three shower tents. Then I used one of their tubs and washed my bike shorts and socks. I learned on Bran you wash every chance you get, because if you wait you may have rainy days and nothing will dry .

Lakeside view near our camping spot
I road several blocks to the United Methodist Church and was the last one let in for a pasta dinner. All out of salad, but they gave me a discount and a heaping plate of pasta. I think I drank four glasses of iced tea.
Now back at the campground and listening to a free concert, a wonderful female vocalist.

Free outdoor concert while I did my blogging
Our camping site is right near the lake, which we could see several times as we rode in on our bikes.
I should be asleep by 9:00 tonight and the same routine for tomorrow, what is forecast to be a repeat of today, except the route is over 80 miles long. But as long as it is not raining and no headwind, I don’t care how far. I’ve done about three 80 miles days so I know I can do it. Oh, I am bound and determined not to walk the bike up any of the hills and today was a struggle, but I did it while many others did not. We’ll see how my legs feel tomorrow, though.

A very interesting bike I saw today