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Each year RAGBRAI has a big party in Des Moines, IA, where they announce the overnight towns that have been selected for the up comping summer route.  Last night that event occurred and I was able to watch it live on my computer via their website.  Not sure how many were in attendance in Des Moines, but from the counter on my screen there were over 2,500 viewers watching online.

Leading up to the announcement they interviewed several people who have either ridden on the ride in the past or are there representing towns that were wanting the ride to stay overnight or pass through.  Any participation in RAGBRAI can mean a real economic boost for these towns.

The towns were soon announced and I was trilled to see the route for this year.  The starting point is in Glenwood,  just a short distance from Omaha where I live.  From there they travel to Atlantic, Carroll, Boone, Altoona, Grinnell and Coralville before finishing the in Davenport.  The route has a total of 454 miles and 21,206 feet of climb.

The longest day ride, from Grinnell to Coraville is about 73 miles.  The shortest from Boone to Altoona is about 56 miles.  Average daily mileage is around 65 miles which is very reasonable in my opinion.  The true measure of the ride, though will be to see the elevation charts for each day.  Pass through towns are expected to be announced sometime in March, after which we can determine the true elevation each day (and the worst hills each day).

Time to get off the computer and back on my bike trainer.  I am just itching to get outside on the bike, but the ground is covered with snow and it is snowing again as I write.  Will this winter ever end???  It is starting to remind me of one of my favorite movie, Groundhogs Day, where Bill Murry lives the same day over and over.

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