Wooohooo, today was the least hilliest ride of the week with only 1,222 feet of vertical climb.  We rode from Oskaloosa to Fairfield, total of 52 miles. Was a much easier day.


In one of the towns I ran across this cheery band of super heroes.


Sadly, I exposed more than I realized when I flipped the bike to fix the flat.


This is what is called a velomobile.  It’s actually and ICE brand trike with an outer fairing which was made in the UK.  The fellow in the orange shirt is the owner, a doctor in Ft. Wayne, Indiana (where I was born).  Further conversation, he did his residency in Omaha where I live and we exchanged many names of physicians we both know.


Here is the inner view.  Not much ventilation.


Near the end of this hot day we came across a huge water slide, maybe 200 feet, in a country yard that went down into their pond.  A giant pump was keeping the water flowing.  Riders would run and dive, shooting out at the end into the pond.


Even Super Heroes like to have fun (but I was worried about him cutting the plastic).


Here is pond they all come out into.


Enjoying a “Fire House” root-beer float.


This is in the town of Fairfield.  Some vendor must have been giving away free plastic mustaches and someone climbed up and put on on the stature.

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