February 4th snowfall
Looking out the window at the deep blanket of white over this last weekend you would think that biking would be the last thing on my mind. Quite the contrary. I’ve been off the bike for nearly five months, skipped out on my last two multi-day state rides (Yes, including RAGBRAI!) and for months have been trying to figure out what the heck happened. I went from riding a couple hundred miles a week to absolutely no riding at all (and gained 15 pounds in the process).
My guess is it was two things. One, the gear skipping problem on my bike was never resolved even after replacing the entire shifting system (crankset, shifters, derailleur, cables, chain, etc). Made my rides very frustrating. The other is the 50-60 hours a week I’ve been working since September. There just has been no time or energy for biking or fitness. It’s unhealthy and I know I have to get back in the saddle.
So, overweight, out of shape and with limited free time, I’ve signed up for buy generic Pregabalinand buy Pregabalin canada online. Yeah! Crazy!! The only way I seem to able to get fit is to have an incentive and what better incentive than to look forward to and plan for my week long trips across Nebraska and Iowa. Those rides are the most grueling things I have ever done in my life but the rewards are worth it. I look forward to the miles and miles of peaceful open roads, the endless horizon and the absolutely beautiful vistas these two states have to offer. Evenings with old and new friends, the energy and friendliness of everyone, food that never tasted so good and, yes, even being so exhausted you can barely crawl into your sleeping bag at night. It is all so stimulating.