
Taking a break today while training for RAGBRAI at Chalco Hills recreation area in Omaha.  Thought it might be nice to show everyone what it looks like from my perspective, from the reclined position of my recumbent bike.

I have what is called twist shifters on the handlebar ends, which are very easy to use.  From the left you can see my mini bell, in such a position I don’t have to remove my hand from the grip, simply flick my thumb.  Next to it is my rear view mirror on a adjustable post.  Extra large to see as much as possible.  Next to that is my Garmin bike computer which, via GPS, tracks everything including my speed, distance, time, calories burned, altitude, climb and descent, cadence, heart rate and records this data for my review and comparison to other rides.  (Check out ebay as I did, much better deals than buying new)

At the center is my water bottle on the handlebar post. In front of that is my can of pepper spray in a leather pouch.  It’s there in case I ever need it for one of those farm raised four legged furry ankle biters.   Never had to use it, hope I never do.

I’m thinking that empty space to the right would be perfect for a remote control holder so I’d feel right at home.  But hey, look at that view!  Who would want to change channels on that!!

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