Although it sometimes gets me off to a late start, I always partake of the great breakfasts on the ride. Usually eggs, sausage, and pancakes. I try to be the first in line as sometimes they run out of food and we have to wait for them to prepare more. As one of the slower riders, I can’t afford to wait and need to get out on the road as early as possible.
Today we left Holdrege, traveled west to Elwood, then north up around Johnson Lake Reservoir, then zigzagged our way up to Cozad, population ~4,000. A total of 60 miles today. Camping and showers at the East Elementary School, supper tonight was spaghetti or Cavatini, salads and deserts at the Cozad United Methodist church. Some riders took the free shuttle bus to Camp Comeca, a local Methodist church camp, where they had horseback riding (if your rump was not sore enough from 60 miles on a bike seat…who’s bright idea was this??), indoor swimming and hiking.

What the ???? First turn out of town I saw this and had to take a picture. Actually it is on a roads department area paralleling the highway.